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Designers need to know to pass interview

Interview is a stress. Especially for the young designers who are not very versed in the recruitment process. After all, a part of portfolio is not enough and the employer can ask such a question, which can confound. And then you think that you have lost all the right words, made an improper impression, and the work position lost.

Make your CV ready for interviewing!

8 most popular questions to ask designers during the interview process are below:

1. Describe yourself in a few words.

Usually, this is the first question most competitors grows dumb. They do not know how to describe himself such a beautiful, intelligent, talented in a few words, without using portfolio - and only with words...

Think over in advance how you will say it: calmly, confidently, in detail.

2. Why did you leave your previous place of employment?

No need to answer frankly that the former head didn't appreciate you and you were underpaid, nevertheless, the logos you had created were the best sellers, and etc.

Make it clear that you build a career, and the transition to a higher position - the next stage of your professional growth.

3. Which designer of logos inspires you?

Everyone is looking for inspiration! Everyone has a designer whose works fascinate, but this simple question is often baffling.

Think beforehand, look for well-known designers, be prepared to call one name.

4. Why we should hire you?

Question-provocation. First of all you should understand them - they must clearly know whom and why they hire. Explore this company in advance, respond confidently and do not exaggerate. Tell them how you can help them to improve their business.

Do not say - "advertising" say "change the company's prospects."

5. What kind of salary do you expect?

A salary negotiation is vital for every employer, he puts questions about it not for fun (although it happens sometimes).

Again and again make preparations - analyze markets, estimate the amount of your future work and compare with compare with other works.

This way you could give an adequate response and comprehension for yourself and for the employer.

6. What famous logos you consider the most successful?

The employer just wants to see how you are targeting in this area. To choose a logo is very difficult for the designer but you should be ready to say how the logo has been created, why it is in a such manner and how its identity and promotion have contributed to the current state of affairs.

7. What are your strengths?

The employer knows that you have weaknesses, but strengths are more important. He wants to understand your uniqueness, what differentiates you from other candidates. And if you hear this question then the answer should be more than an impressive one. Do not exaggerate, but speak confidently.

Highlight your professional habits and skills.

8. How do you see yourself in 5 years in the field of design?

Employers prefer designers who have a clear vision of their career. But responding, make sure your goals match the objectives of the company in which you have come.

Thanks! Successful job interview!

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